Huge FABRIC and REUPHOLSTER SALE! We reupholster sofas, loves, chairs, recliners, cars, sports cars, exotic cars, airplanes, boats, buses, rv, motorhomes.
Free Fabric if you have us do your reupholstery project(see store for details).
We stock over 800 rolls of fabrics from USA, Europe, vinyls, leather hides from Sweden.
Our clients come from all over the world because we are the best artisans.
We do exotic cars, hot rods.
Best Upholsterers in Arizona.
inside City Creek building
3777 S Hwy 92
Sierra Vista, Az 85650
Drapery, Upholstery, Bedspread, Duvet, Boat Vinyls, Luxury Fabrics, Leather Hides, Garment, Silk, Velvets, Lawn and
Garden, Automotive, Airplane, Linens, Weed Control for Landscaping Outdoor, Western Theme, all kinds of Theme Fabrics.
From $1/yd and up.
If it was $130/yd it will now be $13/yd, if it was $10/yd it will now be $1/yd, buy 10 rolls and take another 50% off COST.
Inside City Creek Furniture Mall.
0% interest up to 5 yrs oac.
Layaway available.
Made in USA and Europe.
Sale ENDS when it is sold.
Our warehouse roof blew off in microburst storm so building must be empty to build a new bldg.
At prices so low all will go.
Take it home Now.
Door Crasher prices on everything, while supplies last:
Everything will go.
Delivery Available!
Buy Local First!
When you shop at locally owned, independent businesses more money is kept in the community because local businesses often purchase from other local businesses, service providers and farms.
Buying locally helps grow other businesses as well as our region's tax base.
Every local community has a story, a history, and a unique personality that cannot be replicated.
This is often thanks to specialized, small-scale businesses, like this one, which contribute to a neighborhood's distinctive character and promote a thriving ecosystem in their community.
Small independent businesses offer diverse products and services, fostering economic resilience.
When you buy local, you build local, and deepen your connection to your own community.
So stop by and say hello to Enzo and Einstein, and discover--or rediscover--all we have to offer!
48 cents of every dollar spent at a locally owned retail business goes back into the local community.
That's over three times the amount that local economies recover from chain retailers.
Local businesses have generated 65% of the country's net new jobs over the past 17 years.
We look forward to meeting you!
There is a nation-wide Bedbug Epidemic.
These parasites get into your clothes, upholstery, wood furniture and even your carpet.
The only way to rid your household of these mites is to burn the affected items.
For this reason, we encourage you not to buy anything used.
Fabrics Sierra Vista.
Upholstery Sierra Vista.
Reupholstery Sierra Vista.
Auto & Car Upholstery Sierra Vista.