This commercial property is located in Willcox, Arizona.
It is sitting at Interstate I-10 frontage road (TBD S Haskell Avenue) with road access and electricity, could require a well drilling.
Nearby gas stations, truck stops, Safeway grocery store, hardware stores, schools and hospitals as well as many other businesses surrounded by gorgeous mountain views.
Truck parking can easily generate $100-$250 a month per semi truck, school bus, trailer and other heavy equipments.
You will be required to apply for all necessary permits.
Bring some gravel, fence the desired area, put some light poles as well as security cameras with a small office structure.
Have customers sign a lease with you, or hire a property management to manage it for you.
It’s all about the cash flow.
So what are you waiting for? Grab this once in a lifetime opportunity now!
We don’t accept checks.
When you decide to purchase, a small deposit may or may not be collected by the title company.
We will work with Pioneer title company in Willcox, AZ or Benson, AZ.
You will not be asked to make payments directly to us.
All transactions will be made through our preferred titling agency.
Anything else is a scam.
For serious inquiries, call or email us!